Thứ 7, 27/07/2024

International scientific conference "Application of advanced technology in super-intensive shrimp farming towards sustainable development"


On the morning of May 28, 2024, at the Hall of Information and Library Center, Bac Lieu University in collaboration with the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City co-organized the international scientific conference “Application of advanced technology in super-intensive shrimp farming towards sustainable development".

Chairman delegation 

On the side of foreigner delegates, there were

- Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi - Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City (Co-Head of the Conference Organizing Committee);

- Ms. Do Thi Thuy An – Assistant of Consulate General;

- Prof.Dr. Dinesh Kaippilly - Dean, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), (Speaker, online report);

- Dr. Binu Varghese, MFSc-Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), (Speaker, online report);

On the side of leaders of governmental institutions in Bac Lieu province, there were

- MSc. Lam Thanh Dac - Chairman of the Union of Science and Technology Associations of Bac Lieu province;

- Mr. Luc Binh Dien - Head of Scientific Management Department, Department of Science and Technology of Bac Lieu province;

- Mr. Luu Van Ty - Deputy Director of Bac Lieu Fisheries Branch – Agriculture and Rural Development Department of Bac Lieu province;

- MSc. Long Van Nghia - Deputy Director of Bac Lieu Management Board of High-tech Agricultural Zone for Shrimp Development (Speaker).

On the side of enterprises in Bac Lieu province, there were

Mr. Trinh Trung Phi – Deputy general director of commercial shrimp farming techniques, Viet-Uc Group;

Ms. Nguyen Nhu Huynh - Representative of Ngoc Viet Group Import-Export Trading Co., Limited;

On the side of media agencies: Bac Lieu Provincial Radio and Television Station, Bac Lieu Newspaper attended and reported the news.

On the side of Bac Lieu University there were

- Dr. Phan Van Dan - President (Co - Head of the Conference Organizing Committee);

- Dr. Tien Hai Ly - Vice President, Vice Head of the Conference Organizing Committee;

- Representatives of leaders of the Department of Science Affairs and International Relations, Department of Training, Department of Administration and Personnel, Faculty of Agriculture, speakers, lecturers and students majoring in fisheries; The media section attended and reported the news.

Dr. Phan Van Dan - President - Head of the Conference Organizing Committee gave the opening speech

Stating at the Conference, Dr. Phan Van Dan - President of Bac Lieu University said that with the valuable support of Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi - Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, Bac Lieu University in collaboration with the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City co-organized an international scientific conference with the theme "Application of advanced technology in super-intensive shrimp farming towards sustainable development.

On behalf of the school leadership, the President was very honored to welcome and would like to send his sincere thanks to Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi, Prof. Dr. Dinesh Kaippilly as well as Dr. Binu Varghese who spent their valuable time attending online and reporting at the conference. Attending today's conference, the President was also very pleased to welcome the leaders of Bac Lieu provincial departments and branches, domestic group and enterprises.

The conference also looks forward to receiving comments from all delegates to improve theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of applying advanced technology in super-intensive shrimp farming in Bac Lieu, Vietnam as well as over the world. 6 presentations would be presented at the conference including 01 introductory, 2 presentations by foreigner experts, and 3 presentations by domestic experts in Bac Lieu. The conference was looking forward to hearing Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi's opinion, thereby orienting the statements and success of today's conference.

Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi - Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City spoke at the Conference

Dr. Tien Hai Ly - Vice Rector of Bac Lieu University delivered the introductory report at the Conference

At the conference, delegates heard the authors present the following papers:

(1) Overview report of the conference "Application of advanced technology in super-intensive shrimp farming towards sustainable development" - PhD. Tien Hai Ly - Vice President of Bac Lieu University

(2) The report focuses on the topic “Overview of technology and situation of aquaculture in Bac Lieu province by Dr. Le Hoang Vu, Head of Aquacultural Department of Agricultural Faculty, Bac Lieu University

(3) The report discusses "Shrimp Farming in India - History, Current Status, and the Way Forward." delivered by Professor Dr. Dinesh Kaippilly, Head of the Faculty of Fisheries Science at Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies.

(4) The report presents a topic "Waste treatment system in super-intensive white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming in Bac Lieu province." by Mr. Long Van Nghia, Deputy Director of Bac Lieu Management Board of High-Tech Agriculture Development for Shrimp Farming, Vietnam,

(5) The report discusses "The Evolution of the Indian Shrimp Farming Industry: From Tradition to Modernity." presented by Dr. Binu Varghese from the Faculty of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kerala University.

(6) The report discusses "The Application of Biofloc Technology in Three phase of Super-Intensive White-leg Shrimp Farming in Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam." by Dr. Lam Tam Nguyen, Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Bac Lieu University.

After more than 4 working hours, the Conference completed successfully. Through the event, Bac Lieu University wishes to continue to accompany institutions and organizations to promote the strength of cooperation towards sustainable development in the coming time.

Other pictures at the conference:


Mr. Trinh Trung Phi, Deputy general director of commercial shrimp farming techniques, Viet - Uc Group commented at the Conference


MSc. Lam Thanh Dac, Chairman of Bac Lieu Union of Science and Technology Associations, spoke at the Conference

The Conference Organizing Committee awarded Certificates to speakers reporting at the Conference

Tin và ảnh: TTTT & TV