Thứ 7, 27/07/2024

The delegation of the US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City visited and worked at Bac Lieu University


On the morning of November 29th, 2023, at the Hall in Library Information Center, the delegation of the US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City visited and worked at Bac Lieu University

On the side of the US Consulate General in HCMC, there were 

- Ms. Susan Burns, the US Consulate General - Ho Chi Minh city

- Ms. Marji Christian – Chief of Energy, Environment, and Science Unit, U.S. Embassy Hanoi

- Mr. Alex Tatsis – Chief of Economic , U.S. Consulate HCMC

- Mr. Andrew Anderson-Sprecher - Senior Agricultural Attaché, U.S. Consulate HCMC

- Mr. Pham Thanh Nhan, Economic Specialist, U.S. Consulate HCMC

On the side of Bac Lieu University, there were

- Dr. Ngo Duc Luu - Chairman of the University Council;

- Dr. Phan Van Dan-President;

- Leaders of affiliated units of Bac Lieu University (BLU)

Dr. Phan Van Dan - President of BLU summarizes the international cooperation activities and programs

At the meeting, the President - Dr. Phan Van Dan - expressed his honor and joyfulness to welcome Ms. Susan Burns - US Consul General HCMC and the Delegation to visit and work at the University. At the same time, he also summarized some of the international cooperation activities and programs in recent years. The University hopes that, in the coming time, the two sides will continue to promote past successes and hope that the US Consulate General in HCMC will cooperate and support the University through educational exchange programs. On behalf of the school's leadership, the President sent wishes to Ms. Susan Burns - US Consul General in HCMC and the members of the Delegation for good health, wishing the cooperation of the two units to be sustainable and more effective development.

Ms. Susan Burns - The US Consul General in HCMC states in the meeting.

Also at the meeting, Ms. Susan Burns - US Consul General in HCMC sent her thanks to the leaders and lecturer of BLU by enthusiastic welcome. Ms. Susan Burns said: with the goal of further promoting educational exchanges at the university level. To accomplish this, we need to increase direct exchanges at the faculty and more broadly for Bac Lieu University students. In the past, we have cooperated a lot with Can Tho and An Giang Universities and we also hope that there will be opportunities to exchange and cooperate with Bac Lieu University to offer many helpful programs to the University's lecturers and students in the near future.

On this business trip, the US Consulate General also had an exchange with lecturers and students at the Information Center - Library Hall of Bac Lieu University.

See more other photos.

Reported by Ai Tho

Photographed by Ngoc Man

Translated by Anh Thuy